
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

这些统计数据 这是《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》最近的一篇文章 引起了我的注意:

Despite the $15 billion companies spend annually on managerial and leadership development, 坏老板在美国劳动力中很常见. A study by Life Meets Work found that 56% of American workers claim their boss is mildly or highly toxic. A study by the American Psychological Association found that 75% of Americans say their “boss is the most stressful part of their workday.”
And a recent study by Gallup found that one in two employees have left a job “to get away from their manager at some point in their career.”

Over the years, I’ve quoted many studies that have similar sentiments to the numbers in this article. 但证据仍然令人难以置信. Here’s another striking paragraph from the same article:

3的研究,122 瑞典 male employees found that those who work for toxic bosses were 60% more likely to suffer a heart attack, 中风, 或其他危及生命的心脏疾病. Other studies in American workplaces show that people with toxic bosses are more susceptible to chronic stress, 抑郁症, 和焦虑, all of which increase the risk of a lowered immune system, 感冒, 中风, 甚至心脏病发作. Some studies show that it may take up to 22 months to recover physically and emotionally from a toxic boss. 虽然戒烟的想法可能看起来很可怕, the reality of staying in a job with a toxic boss can be even scarier.

I can’t say this enough, the way we lead impacts the way people live. And the consequences of poor leadership are becoming more and more obvious in our world today.

例如, there’s currently a lot of coverage in the news about the “Great Resignation” occurring right now in the U.S. 根据国家公共广播电台最近的报道创记录.3 million workers in this country quit their jobs in August.

Why this “Great Resignation” is happening is the subject of much debate. The NPR article went on to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has made workers reevaluate what they are actually getting out of their jobs, 而且:

Employers are also having to rethink what their employees really need.
NPR新闻的奥迪·康沃尔采访了拉兹洛·博克, co-founder and 首席执行官 of the human resources company Humu, 关于人类对尊重的基本需求.
“你知道, 在大流行中, 人们谈论了很多关于基本工作者的问题, 但推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜实际上把它们视为必不可少的工作,博克说。. “推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜认为这些工人是完全可以替代的."

When you treat people as if they are replaceable, you are saying they do not matter. 太久了, many business leaders have thought that people should be grateful and happy simply because they have a job.

So, 只是也许, part of this “Great Resignation” is that people are tired of being “quite replaceable.” Maybe they’re tired of being considered a function, rather than a person.

Maybe they’re tired of the toxic leadership described in the statistics above that is lessening their quality of life and stripping them of their dignity.

Maybe one of the biggest causes of the “Great Resignation” is poor leadership.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜每一个人, 不管推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜做什么工作,住在哪里, simply want to know that who we are and what we do matters. As leaders in business, we have the awesome responsibility to let people know that they do.

When so many people go home each night not feeling valued, it is no surprise that they finally break and decide that they need to figure out something better for their life. 也许COVID-19大流行是一个转折点.

Workers are looking for a “New Deal” that is not just about money and benefits. It’s about work that is fulfilling with leaders who take seriously their responsibility to recognize the inherent dignity in our people and honor it, 不要打破它.

If businesses are spending $15 billion yearly on “managerial and leadership development,” yet we still see statistics like those listed in the HBR article, 情况并没有好转.

Here’s some advice—unless they are teaching your people how to care, save that money. Teaching them to change their mindset and start seeing those within their span of care as someone’s precious child, 不可替换的功能. 教他们如何感同身受地倾听. Teaching them how to recognize and celebrate their team.

And if you think that is a simplistic way to look at things, let me tell you this: the ROI for caring is much greater than you could ever measure in KPIs.

The ROI of Caring is having teammates who are healthier because they feel valued and understood by their leaders and teammates. It’s the opposite of the toxicity described in the statistics above. And because those people feel fulfilled by the time they’re spending away from their homes and families, 他们受到鼓舞,充满活力,而不是感到压力. 当他们回到亲人身边, they share that joy and fulfillment instead of the stress and bitterness of feeling unappreciated and insignificant.

Doesn’t that sound like a “New Deal” that could solve the “Great Resignation?” It’s certainly different than what we have seen for a while in a majority of workplaces, 各行各业, 世界各地.

领导们,这是我和你们的炉边谈话. 不是他们的问题,是你的问题. Let’s start taking our responsibility to those within our span of care seriously. 工人们可以在任何地方获得“旧协议”. 你要为他们提供更多的东西.


鲍勃·查普曼/ 二零一七年十一月十五日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2018年10月26日
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2020年11月17日

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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